The cost for attending EUH is DKK 1.295,- (approx. €174,-) per week. This payment and the enrollment fee covers:
    •    All education
    •    Food every day of the week
    •    Single or double-room accommodation
    •    Duvet, pillow, and bed linen if you do not wish to bring your own
    •    School trip to a large city abroad
Transportation to and from Denmark as well as pocket money and laundry are not included in the price.

Information for den norske lånekasse:

Week price fall+spring term = DKK 1.295,-                                       

Payment for the classes (undervisningsudgifter) = DKK 906,50,-


When enrolling, you will be charged a registration of approx. €470 (DKK 3.500).


DKK 2.000,- (approx. 269,- EUR) of the enrollment fee will be refunded if you cancel your stay later than six months prior to the course start. If you cancel the registration later than 3 months prior to the course start, no refund will be made. If the student is denied a residence permit, the school will return the amount paid, except for the bank fee.


For EU citizens payment is due one month in advance. This means that the first installment of the school fees has to be paid before the start of a school term.

For students outside EU. You have to pay the full amount no later than three months before the course starts, so that we can begin the VISA-process in due time.


Course payment can be transferred to the school's bank account:
SWIFT address: KRONDK22
IBAN account: DK86 6192 0007175620
Bankinformation: Sparekassen Kronjylland, Egå Havvej 3A, 8250 Egå, Denmark - Telephone: +45 86 22 48 00 - Fax: + 45 87 43 22 59 - email:
You can also pay directly at the school office.

Download our PDF containing all necessary information about economy as well as terms of insurance and payment.

For all information about terms of payment, insurance and personal data, rules and prohibitions download the pdf below.